Thursday, February 21

Indian women's 'innocence' continues to amaze me. My educated,
married, and smart (well, smarter than most around here) colleague
does not know what an erection or PMS is! I mean, hello! She was a
teacher for 8 yrs prior to joining this place. Not to mention that
when I was busy with my daily chat with SR, in the ladies powder room,
I mentioned 'sex and the city' while discussing some episodes and a
female who happened to be there almost stopped mid hand-drying to
glare at me. I guess storks do bring the babies for most women in


Anonymous said...

ummmm.... is this a certain lovely lass i know who moaned and cried that i'd be leaving the country... and then got a new blog? :)

Sameer said...

I second talkingclosets...
